Children’s Wednesday Night Bible Study

6:15 - 7:30pm, upstairs in Room 203, for ages K4 - 2nd grade

Our Wednesday Night Bible Study is an interactive experience designed to not only teach a Bible story but to engage the kids in a way that truly helps the lesson stick with them!  The children get to participate in crafts, games, and digging deeper into the Bible story by exploring the Bible. We know that kids learn in a variety of ways, so we hope by providing multiple sensory activities that something from the evening will resonate with each child!

With these studies, our children learn to connect to Jesus and others. Each month a new theme is studied to show how God cares, loves, and protects us.

Dive Deep-There's Always More to Explore

During the Month of September, our Wednesday Night Bible Study will encourage our children to grow in compassion.  We reflect God's Compassion when we care about others and work to make things right.
We learn God’s caring & compassion makes us care enough to do something about someone else's needs.